JHIA’s Impact Factor 2.422


Dear colleagues,

Our open-access Journal of Health Informatics in Africa (JHIA) publishes since 2013 scientific papers in English and French focusing on the use of information and ICTs in the healthcare sector in the broad sense in Africa. The International Scientific Indexing (ISI) certified that JHIA has Impact Factor value of 2.422. This is based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2023-2024.

We would like to thank the editorial team – incl. the founding editors-in-chief, reviewers and researchers who have contributed to this result. This is the recognition of the hard work done since 2012. The vision of the publisher Koegni-eHealth Innovation for Development in collaboration with the Pan African Health Informatics Association (HELINA) was to offer an open access platform to serve the academic, decisions makers, and implementer communities to publish result of their works. We have provided together more visibility and impact to Health Informatics research and Digital Health applications from Africa.

All the best

Nicky Mostert and Ghislain Kouematchoua

JHIA Editor-in-chief | JHIA General Manager